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Bé Viết Văn Việt/ Bài Số 894: The Bắc Ninh Impact

20/03/201600:00:00(Xem: 3070)
Mai Hân.

Bài “Ảnh Hưởng của Hội Bắc Ninh” của Mai Hân đã lên báo tuần vừa rồi. Và hôm nay, tiếp theo bài viết bằng tiếng Anh cũng của Mai Hân.

The Bắc Ninh Impact

In light of the 10th annual Bắc Ninh festival celebration last Sunday, February 28, 2016, I decided to write about the immense impact this simple organization has had and continues to have in my life.

Hội Đồng Hương Bắc Ninh South California has been part of my life for so long, it is now a part of me. It has dominated my years through its many rehearsals, picnics, road trips, and the shows itself of course. Oh, the endless of memories those words contain. But thatll be for another time because today, I will be writing about the three main components being a member of Bắc Ninh has taught me throughout the years.


Teamwork is such a significance here. It is basically considered a motto. Without a team, how could anything possibly be done? The past 7 years here, I have learned a lot about working together. Especially how everyone matters. Many times, the members got really tired or were busy but we still spared a little time out of our days to attend the rehearsals. The resulting shows were rewarding enough.


Correspondingly, being a part of Bắc Ninh has also helped me with my leadership skills. Ive definitely become less shy and more confident over the years as I become friendlier with the stage. Years and years of performing allowed me to take a step on the stage with little to no fear. Bắc Ninh has given me many opportunities to step out of my comfort zone and get more involved with the communities. For the last two years i got to help this organization with the reception and raising funds during the banquets.


However, the most important thing I have learned while being here is the culture of Bắc Ninh. Although it is merely a province in northern Vietnam, it is lively with and well-known of the culture and folk songs “quan họ”.

Each dance number, each song we sing each year, brings me a little closer to my grandparents homeland. As a fourteen-year old girl born and raised in America, I am rather far from my roots, and being able to participate in Bắc Ninh Spring Festival year after year helps me connect with the native soil of my ancestors.

For instance, from all these years, I can definitely tell you that there are a LOT of layers to the traditional girls and womens wear. First, youve got the colorful tank tops, often adorned with sequins. Then, theres the “ao ba ba”, a buttoned-up tunic. Afterwards, a colored piece of fabric worn tied in the front and long in the back with a long black flowing skirt that reaches to knees or toes. And dont forget the head piece, “khăn vấn.” Although it is not considered “trendy fashion” in America, these harmoneously colorful costumes mean a lot to me.

Through my grandparents and parents, I have known much more about Bắc Ninh and its fascinating culture. I think, having my own grandfather as the founder of this organization makes me feel like I should be more involved and familiar with the culture and people of Bắc Ninh.

I hope I can continue participating in this organizations activities and carry on learning of the many customs of Bac Ninh. However, I dont want to just stop there. I hope one day, I can learn even more of my roots and home country, Vietnam.

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Bé ngọc ngà của Mẹ cố thở chút không khí ít oi còn trong buồng phổi. Giây phút cuối. Để ngàn sau dân Hong Kong sống xứng đáng Con Người.
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