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Bé Viết Văn Việt/ Bài Không Dư Thi: My Mom

16/09/201200:00:00(Xem: 39239)
David Phạm
Bảo Ngọc giới thiệu với các bạn David Phạm, với một bài đóng góp cho “Bé Viết Văn Việt” viết bằng hai ngôn ngữ Mỹ và Việt. Và đề tài người mẹ không bao giờ hết ý tưởng trong tình yêu thương của các con. Đây là bài viết tiếng Anh của David.

My Mom

By: David Pham

My mom is the most important person in my life. Without her, of course, I would not be the person I am today. She is my best friend, teacher, companion, chess partner. More importantly, my mom is a role model for me, showing me how to develop into an adult. She is my guide for being a good citizen and showing me right from wrong. She is my teacher for life so that I learn what is necessary to be an independent adult.

First and most importantly, my mom sets a good example for me. She is unselfish and generous with her time and energy. Mom thinks of the needs of the family before her own (even though she is a part of the family). She also teaches me what is important in life and how to treat other people. She sets a good example for me. Now that I am a little older, we can discuss more mature subjects and that is how I learn about right and wrong and what is important. My mom understands that I can be a good person and well-behaved child when I want to be. But she also knows that I am still a boy.

Secondly, I am a good citizen in the community because of my mom. Mom knows it is important not to be wasteful. That's good for the environment and good for our budget. We don't waste water, gas or electricity. We recycle. She tries to find bargains for all sorts of stuff except food. Food must be fresh to be healthy. She taught me to be satisfied with a simple life and be grateful for everything I have because there are some families who don't have homes, food or clothing. Sometimes I sing songs and perform at Senior Citizen Centers and Nursing Homes to bring some smiles and happiness to elderly people. I also donate old books to our library and old clothes to the Salvation Army or Goodwill Industries.

Third, Mom is my school teacher. Besides teaching me to be a good person, she teaches me academic subjects. She taught me the first 100 words in English and Vietnamese, Vietnamese culture, history, geography, legends, superstitions, poems, and music. She is also my math tutor. Although she isn't that picky about grades, I try my best because good grades lead to a good job in the future.

Even though Mom works hard and does practical things for me, when I think about her, I think about emotions. I always remember how we share our feelings. She knows how to make me happy when I am feeling sad. She turns my frown upside down. Mom can calm me down when I am upset or acting out of control. She always knows how to reason with me. She never simply tells me to do something or not do something. She always tells me why. My future is bright with her guiding me. I am proud to be a good citizen thanks to her teachings and example. I know that learning for a lifetime is the best way to achieve success. Someday, I hope I can meet a special girl like my mom to be the mother of my kids.

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